8 April 2016


The five Sorrowful mysteries of the holy Rosary highlight the various types of human sorrow that Jesus endured not only from Getsemany to Golgotha but all through his earthly life, from the Crib to the Cross:
* It was a mental torture that anticipated the reality and sweated blood; 
* It was a physical pain inflicted by the scourgings, the nailing to the cross; 
* It was a deep pain of humiliation; it was a moral pain  of shame and humiliation, condemned as a criminal and mockingly crowned with thorns as king of the jews; 
* It was a painful journey trudging to calvary and stumbling under the weight of a heavy cross; and finally, 
* It was the pain of death, a sting of a final defeat upto the last breath.

The sorrow and pain Jesus experienced was not merely an exhibition of endurance but a practical lesson for his disciples to follow Him, carrying their own crosses/sorrows. Rather than dabble with questions like why pain and sorrow, Jesus provides a challenging example to imitate, reminding us that the "disciple is not greater that the Master".

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