11 June 2013

Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God!

The philosophy of man is always outmatched by the Wisdom of God.
To the smart question of the Pharisees, Scribes and some Herodians on the debatable issue of paying taxes or "tribute" to Caesar, the wise and succinct reply of Jesus amazes his audience: "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God" Mk 12,17. The answer of Jesus is bigger and goes beyond the estion.t that while, whatever may bear the stamp or image of Caesar belongs to Caesar, not everything belongs to Caesar. As Tertullian comments, Jesus draws the attention of all people at all times to the fact that they are created to the image of God and carry His stamp on themselves. They belong to God and Caesar should know and respect that. Worship of the true God, our Creator has clear priority over the claims of "Caesars" or Governments of our times. Religious Freedom stems from this truth that every person is created to the image of God, belongs to God and therefore must be the subject and not object of earthly governance. Notice that Jesus infact, is introducing the "Human Rights based approach" already in his time. More than concern for payment of Taxes to civil authorities, Jesus highlights the concern for giving God what belongs to Him, viz. every human being, treated with love and respect.  Are "Caesars" of our times, listening?

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