People really do not care about what you know, but want to know if you care. Compassion is not about knowing but about caring.
God, though all powerful, all glorious and all knowing, chose to reveal Himself in the Scriptures, as "All caring" (compassionate). The pages of the Genesis open up with God, not only as the artistic Creator of heaven and earth, but is quick to reveal His Love for his rebellious creatures, by promptly assuring them a Messiah (Redeemer). "God so loved the world, that He sent his only begotten Son for our salvation". Through the history of Salvation, the "chosen People" continue to experience Yahweh's faithful love despite their many infidelities. In the New Testament, the mystery of the Incarnation becomes the manifestation of the Compassionate Heart of God. From the crib to the cross, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, enters our human life and through his teachings and example, invites us to "learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart". Yes, God is compassionate and Jesus Christ our paradigm of compassion.
" Jesus was moved to compassion" is an oft repeated phrase in the Gospels. The grief of the widow of Nain moves Jesus to halt a funeral procession, comfort the mother, "Do not cry" , place his hand on the bier and restore to human life her only son. Compassion indeed!