The secular press is ntorious for sensationalising news. An Indian daily, The Asian Age in its 11th Nov. 2014 Tuesday edtion featured on its centre page an article by Daniel Thomson with the headlines hinting at "Civil War brewing in the Catholic Church." That indeed is a blind perception of the present happenings in the Church and an even more dumb ignorance of the histry of the Church which has survived Schisms and grown mature through Ecumenical Councils. Far from a 'Civil War' , the Catholic Church is engaged at the highes level of governance in a search for 'Communty Concensus' and is not a "rudderless" ship as made out to be.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, I believe with spiritual Wisdom and moral Courage, the Supreme Pontiff, has clearly indicated the way and led upfront, by following the Gospel radicality of Jesus Christ, not as Supreme Pontiff but Suffering Servant described by Isaiah. He shines for those who care to see, as a compassionate Pastor of souls, a committed protagonist of the poor and for the poor, and revealing the magnanimous forgiving heart of Father. is that "rudderless" leadership? In fact, this type of leadership has been long awaited by the laity who have often criticised the pontificating behaviour of its central administration. Have faith, we are moving to more peaceful and loving transformation not only with the Church but in the World, as well. To me, Pope Francis is a Prophet for our times and we need the integrity of his life and teaching to silence the rumblings of arrogance and stubbornness and make the Catholic Church, a Light, Salt and Yeast to build the Kingdom of God. This infact, is already happening for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. That's the Good News we await!
Guided by the Holy Spirit, I believe with spiritual Wisdom and moral Courage, the Supreme Pontiff, has clearly indicated the way and led upfront, by following the Gospel radicality of Jesus Christ, not as Supreme Pontiff but Suffering Servant described by Isaiah. He shines for those who care to see, as a compassionate Pastor of souls, a committed protagonist of the poor and for the poor, and revealing the magnanimous forgiving heart of Father. is that "rudderless" leadership? In fact, this type of leadership has been long awaited by the laity who have often criticised the pontificating behaviour of its central administration. Have faith, we are moving to more peaceful and loving transformation not only with the Church but in the World, as well. To me, Pope Francis is a Prophet for our times and we need the integrity of his life and teaching to silence the rumblings of arrogance and stubbornness and make the Catholic Church, a Light, Salt and Yeast to build the Kingdom of God. This infact, is already happening for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. That's the Good News we await!